Mother’s Mini-Message #4 Peace Is Declared on Earth – Our DNA Is Upgraded

Source of reprinting: THE WAY OF LOVE BLOG, Mother’s Mini-Message #4

Peace Is Declared on Earth – Our DNA Is Upgraded, June 7, 2015


Mother’s Mini-Message #4 Peace Is Declared on Earth – Our DNA Is Upgraded


Posted on June 7, 2015 by Nancy B. Detweiler


Mother’s Mini-Message #4


Peace Is Declared on Earth – Our DNA Is Upgraded


Good day treasured children!


I do not call you “children” to suggest vulnerable or immature, but rather to alight the place within you that knows and cannot deny that you are our precious, wanted and beloved children, always.  You were born in love, and it is time to come Home to be loved until Love is all that exists in your being once more.  You are Father’s and my child, and we adore you.  We wait holding our breath to see if this will be the moment you come into our arms.  Let us immerse you in our tenderness and cover you in kisses, so you may quickly and easily finish your healing for the wrap up of the Earth Project.


My scribe is giggling because I arrived to awake her this morning for this message wearing a Peace shirt and a tool belt.  I wore these things to alert her of the theme of today’s Mini-Message and because I love to hear her laugh.  She laughs easily and often; it’s one of the reasons we in the higher realms can effortlessly communicate with her.  She twinkles with laughter, and it allows her to see me within, in her mind’s eye, you might say.


You can do this too!


Ask Father and me to come, and we will.  We will support and enhance your valiant efforts to heal yourselves as you seek out and truly see where you changed your loyal alignment from us to a program – a program that is not the Source of Light, so it can never ever accomplish its deceitful promises of fulfillment to you.  In bright contrast, your choice to re-connect with Father and me will Activate the DNA upgrade we have just released (explained on Kathryn’s show – see the link below).


This will help you to open, purify and fortify the channel that is the core of Light running through the center of your being, your Pillar of Light.  You will be better able to receive the constant stream of messages we – along with your Higher Self, Twin Soul, Galactic Federation healing team and other members of the Company of Heaven – are beaming to you.


Here is big hint for better communicating with us.  Turn off your inner editor.  When we send you an image and a feeling or some words… let them stand as they are.  Do not think, “I must not be seeing this, after all, Mother God would not show up wearing a tool belt and Peace sign, and carrying a L-O-V-E sign.”  Of course I would!  And just wait until you see the endless parade of fantastic outfits Archangel Michael has in store for you!


I come to you today with thrilling news of a magnificent event that has occurred last night.  Two of your Lightworkers, who are diligently working on a Peace Project for all upon Earth (more to be revealed soon!), approached the Council and asked that the Council mark the moment and officially declare Peace On Earth.  Indeed a collective Light quorum and quotient (enough people at a high enough level) has been reached upon Earth, so this factor, along with the success of many of our Lightworker boots-on-the-ground are having on their Projects at this time, freed us to be able to grant this request and… declare official and lasting Peace.


Exactly what does this mean?  The vibration of humanity is rising and holding steady at higher levels.  Pods of Lightworkers are quietly accomplishing their tasks involving NESARA, Safety, Prosperity, Peace, Landings, The Temple of Light and so on.  When you begin to hear about the details of these Projects, you will surely be amazed at what has been going on behind the scenes.  It means that Peace is now the overriding value and culture of Planet Earth.  Wars, panic, domination, engineered lack, poverty and debt slavery will peter out for lack of support and involvement.


If you choose to participate in any thought, feeling or belief of lack, fear, doubt or selfishness as this shift in consciousness comes fully into fruition, you will be delaying the inevitable glorious arrival of the peaceful New Golden Age.   Decide now where your allegiance lies because you will be accountable for the results of your actions.


Peace is a refusal to take part in any kind of violence, ever.


Peace is not a passive state.  Peace is readiness at every moment to engage with Strength, Love, Balance, Independence, Unity, Compassion, Generosity, Clarity, Humor and intense steadfast Divine Will.

Peace is Light.  Peace is your Father and me.


It is our Destiny.

We love you without end.  I am your Mother.


Channeled by Kathryn E. May and Christine Burk, June 5, 2015


DNA Upgrade from Mother and Father – Saturday, June 6, 2015 Blogtalk Radio Program:  Mother and Father’s DNA Activation for Peace
Michael’s encoded message: 

These Mini Messages from Mother will be found in writing on our website, and on our YouTube channel in audio form by Kathryn:

Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,  

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Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.


The image set newly like others: Hamano